

10,583 products
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M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 175.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 145.00
Part fastening
$ 390.00
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M5, spherical disc, steel disc
Disk M5, DK30
$ 195.00
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M5, Disc styli, tungsten carbide disc, tungsten carbide shaft
$ 305.00
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M3 RENISHAW, Disc styli, tungsten carbide disc, tungsten carbide shaft
$ 305.00
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M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 175.00
$ 900.00
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$ 1,250.00
Temperature Measurement on the CMM
$ 1,320.00
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Stylus Kit, M5, 25 pcs
$ 3,100.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, diamand coated sphere, tungsten carbide shaft
$ 750.00
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$ 245.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 235.00
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M5, cylinder styli, tungsten carbide cylinder, tungsten carbide shaft
$ 160.00
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M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 160.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
Temperature Measurement on the CMM
Extension cable 1m
$ 115.00
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M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 160.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 205.00
M3 XXT, Styli straight, silicon nitride sphere, carbon fibre shaft
$ 245.00
$ 135.00
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Reference spheres
$ 720.00
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M5, L-styli angled straight, ruby sphere, tungsten carbide shaft
$ 370.00
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