Stylus Kit, M5, 41 pcs product photo Front View L
Stylus Kit, M5, 41 pcs product photo


Stylus Kit, M5, 41 pcs

$ 2,610.00Sales tax not included

This product bundle contains

Product Type
Connection Type

The stylus kit contains an extended equipment of various styli with tungsten carbide shaft and ruby ball, REACH CFX 1 and REACH CFX 3 extensions with various diameters, connection elements and tooling.

2x 600341-8261-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE11, LE40
2x 600341-8262-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE11, LE60
1x 600341-8424-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE20, LE60
1x 600341-8422-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE20, LE100
2x 626107-1100-100 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 3, DGE11, LE100
1x 626107-1080-100 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 3, DGE11, LE80
1x 626105-6280-040 rotary-knuckle-joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L40
1x 600342-9002-000 knuckle joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L30 with screw
2x 626105-6280-020 rotary joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L20
1x 626119-0001-019 set of screws for cone adapter, M3 (10 pcs.)
2x 602030-0222-000 pin wrench, DG5, DS2,9, L70 2x 626109-0013-000 hook wrench, DG20
2x 626109-0012-000 hook wrench, DG11
4x 626109-0035-000 torx wrench T6, angled, steel
1x 602030-0021-000 hex wrench DIN 911, BSW 2,5
1x 000000-0015-248 hex wrench DIN 911, BSW 4
1x 600341-8002-000 cube, M5, titanium, B20
2x 600341-8361-000 cube, M5, titanium, B20
1x 626109-0016-000 screw for cube, M5, Inox, L20, ML20
1x 626109-0015-000 screw for cube, M5, Inox, L20, ML15
2x 626115-0050-022 stylus with thread, M5, shouldered, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK0,5, L22
1x 602030-8061-000 stylus with thread, M5, shouldered, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK1, L32
2x 600342-8020-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby DK3, L33,5
2x 600342-8021-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK3, L58
1x 602030-9015-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby DK5, L75
1x 626105-0820-114 stylus with thread, M5, REACH CFX 3, ruby, DK8, L114